Montauk, New York


Pathfinder Country Day Camp ... a summer to remember....a summer camp in Montauk!
Questions & Answers
All campers have morning instructional swim & afternoon free swim. Campers are swim tested to determine their swim level.
Younger Children /Non-Swimmers:
Younger children (ages 4-5) and non-swimmers swim in the shallow part of the pool. The depth of the water is 30 inches. Non-swimmer criteria are to be tall enough to stand comfortably in chest-high water. Certified lifeguards and water safety instructors teach and supervise the pool. Counselors help watch and stand in the pool with the non-swimmers in their group.
Pathfinder is located on Fort Pond Lake and has a beach on the premises. Campers have instruction in kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding. Campers wear lifejackets when boating. A boating instructor and lifeguard go boating with the campers.
The non-swimmers use small age-appropriate boats, wear life jackets, and stay inside the shallow crib area. Counselors, lifeguards &, and boating instructors stand in the shallow water supervising the children.
Lunch & Snacks:
Campers bring their lunch Monday - Thursday. Lunches are collected in the morning and refrigerated. Pathfinder is
nut-free. Fridays are our traditional cookouts, serving hamburgers and hot dogs.
Monday- Friday campers enjoy ice pops or ice cream, another famous 55-year tradition!
Riches Ice Cream products (nut-free) and Chloes Ice Pops (fruit, cane sugar, low calorie)
Beverages: Cold water stations are throughout the camp. Gatorade is available at lunch.
Morning Snacks: Pathfinder provides morning snacks for children 4-7 years old. Annie's homegrown snacks.
Optional snacks are available for children with food allergies and food restrictions (nut, tree nut, dairy, soy, fish, gluten, vegan). Enjoy Life, Made Good, Yum Earth snacks. Please discuss allergies with Nancy.
Camper Group Placement:
Campers are placed in groups with children of the same age and gender. Pathfinder has 12 different age groups beginning at age 4 through age 12. Each group has a name; examples are Peacocks, Sharks, labeled on their bunk. The campers change twice a day for a swim in the bunks. They leave their belongings in the bunk while playing at camp.
Campers can be requested to be with friends of the same age and gender.
The groups have 12-15 children. Pathfinder will accommodate approximately 170 children/per day.
Camp Counselors:
Pathfinder counselors are hired to supervise groups, teach basic skills, and participate with the campers. Staff is interviewed by the directors and background checked. Each staff member must exhibit skills in patience and kindness.
Pathfinder's younger staff, age 14, have experienced our Counselor In Training program at age 13.
This program is open to campers who have attended Pathfinder as older campers 11 & 12.
Our staff is local or summer residents ages 15 years-22 years, approximately 50 in staff per season.
Transportation/Drop-off Morning~Pick Up Afternoon
Pathfinder does not have bus transportation.
Morning: Campers are dropped off from 8:25-8:45.
Afternoons: Campers are picked up from 2:30-2:45.
Pathfinder Pups:
The Directors have rescue dogs that live at Pathfinder. The Pathfinder pups do an excellent job keeping our children safe from any visitor. If planning to visit Pathfinder, please call the number at the front gate. A director will greet you and open the gate.
Bully at Camp?
The directors at Pathfinder are present at all times. If your child is experiencing a sad day at camp, please call or email Nancy. The ultimate goal at Pathfinder is for every child to come home happy. Please be in touch immediately. Saying "Ignore them" is not a good answer if your child complains at home. No issue is too small. Call us.
First Day of Camp Checklist!
2 bathing suits, one towel, goggles if needed, lunch, wear sneakers only (no crocs), flip flops for the pool (no bare feet at Pathfinder) sunscreen, hat (only if it will be worn). Put the camper's name on everything, with a sharpie.
Rainy Days? Pathfinder is closed.