Agreement: I understand the staff agreement, including my obligations as a staff member at Pathfinder Country Day Camp. I agree to the importance of attending the staff orientation, I am committed to not using cell phones at camp. I understand and authorize investigation of all statements herein, including checks of criminal records and a background check for employment. I understand that, if employed, I will be an at-will employee unless there is an agreement or law which alters that status. I understand that any agreement must be in writing and signed by the designated camp official. I also understand that any untrue, misleading or omitted information herein or other documents completed by the applicant (my self) may result in dismissal, regardless of time of discovery by camp. My goal at Pathfinder is to serve the camp and interests of the children to the best of my ability. I agree I may be dismissed from my duties at anytime if the Directors feel I am not working to the best of my ability. I agree to the above terms, understanding all conditions, upon signing this agreement. *